Mirror Ash/The mirror spell(The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness): If something not human seems to be important in this series, that is Mirror Ash. Always scary, always amazing. Its last appearance was in the windmill in Army of Darkness, where it turns into little versions of Ash and, later, into Bad Ash/Evil Ash.

Pit Deadite 2(Army of Darkness): Unlike the first pit deadite, this one doesn't fight very much, but it last much more time! If losing a hand or being trapped in a spiked pit, just shoot it with a Remington twice...that's what Ash did.

Pit Deadite 1(Army of Darkness): This is a serious case. Through the saga, we've met different types of deadites, but we've never seen one like this before...a kung-fu fighting deadite!!!. Anyway, Ash is not dumb and kills this one with a little help of his friend, Wiseman John.

Possessed Ash(Evil Dead II): Ahhhh...there's nothing like being possessed and not getting killed in a movie! That's what happened to Ash during this one. At the end of the first Evil Dead, we see Ash being attacked by the Evil Force...well, in this movie, we see it taking our hero deep into the woods, where he ends getting possessed. Luckily, daylight breaks, and Ash is saved...that night, he gets possessed again, but this time he's not saved by daylight, but by Linda's memory(after all, even a deadite has feelings!!)